photo of me

Matthew Kwan

Office: I21.O1.108 (first floor, office building west)
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Am Campus 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

Hi! Since September 2021, I am Assistant Professor at ISTA.

Previously, I was Szegő Assistant Professor in the mathematics department of Stanford University. Before that, my doctoral studies were at ETH Zurich under the guidance of Benny Sudakov, and my undergraduate studies were at UNSW (Sydney), where my adviser was Catherine Greenhill. You can find my CV here.

Those looking to join my group as interns, students and postdocs should apply for the ISTern program, the ISTA graduate school, or the ISTA-fellow program, respectively. Direct inquiries may not receive a response.

Together with Herbert Edelsbrunner and Uli Wagner I am hosting the ISTA Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology seminar.

Selected research papers

(A complete list of papers is available here)